Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Science Fiction From Beyond the English-Speaking World

In the English-speaking world, and in particular, the United States, we are far more accustomed to exporting culture than importing it, and this certainly holds true for writing in the science fiction and fantasy genres.

During the past few weeks Strange Horizons offered Kari Sperring's review of acclaimed French writer Pierre Pevel's The Cardinal's Blades and L'Alchimiste des Ombres; and Andy Sawyer's piece on editor Lavie Tidhar's The Apex Book of World SF (the international nature of which is reflected in the page devoted to it by the publisher).

Those interested in Tidhar's anthology may also want to check out the review of it that went up at yesterday, and (as reported on Niall Harrison's Torque Control blog) the PDF files of four of the stories that editor Tidhair has made available online-specifically Guy Hasson's "The Levantine Experiments," Han Song's "The Wheel of Samsara," Yang Ping's "Wizard World" and Nir Yaniv's "Cinderers."

A final note in this vein: I have just added The World SF News Blog, a source well worth checking out for its more global perspective on the subject, to the blog list at the right side of this page.

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