Monday, February 15, 2010

The Last Edition of the Internet Review Of Science Fiction

As noted here last month, the Internet Review of Science Fiction's February 2010 edition will be its last.

Here it is.

As one might expect, this last issue is especially packed, with fifteen articles instead of the usual ten. Highlights include:

* Brent Kellmer's interview with the Schlock Mercenary webcomic's Howard Trayler.

* The final editions of the publication's columns, including Nicholas Kauffman's horror column "Dead Air," Corey Rixle's "Gamenivore" (not the only gaming-themed piece here, Dotar Sojat also offering a piece on Starfrontiersman Magazine), and of course, Lois Tilton's always-worthwhile short fiction round-up-heftier than usual, with the inclusion of an introduction about the gap between the big-name, established magazines with their big-name, established authors, and the newer online venues. (Like most pieces which touch on the fortunes of authors, especially those who are up-and-coming or at least aspiring, this one quickly kicked up a lively debate in the forum, also worth checking out if you're in that position, or just generally interested in what it's like to be on the edge of the business.)

* A piece by Hugo-winning writer David Levine on "How the Future Predicts Science Fiction." (Incidentally, the science fiction-isn't-futurism theme also came up at Charlie's Diary over the weekend.)

* Bill Lengemann on "The History of Matter Transmission" in the genre.

* Micharl Andre-Drussi on the anime Paranoia Agent (just one of several pieces he's written about Japanese animation, accessible at this listing of his articles at the site).

* Anna Cates on Cormac McCarthy's The Road.

* Gary Westfahl, in his fourth "What Science Fiction Leaves Out of the Future" piece, on pets in science fiction.

* Joe Nazare on Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House, a half century later.

Once again, IROSF will be missed.

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