Thursday, October 6, 2022

Disney and Star Wars, Again

These days it seems Hollywood is generally reaffirming its commitment to the big screen--to theatrical release, and its $15 and $20 movie tickets, which streaming revenues have simply not matched (even with the help of simultaneous release surcharges). In fairness I had wondered if it would be otherwise given how, after the fizzling of the grandiosely Marvel-like plans for barraging the audience with Star Wars movies post-Solo, Disney barraged audiences with small screen Star Wars instead, many of its ideas for movies instead apparently manifest as TV shows, live-action as well as animated (as with Boba Fett, who got his own series this year, as have Obi-Wan, and even Andor, while the third season of The Mandalorian is coming our way, and much, much more besides). Still, the studio never quite seemed to have written off the hope of more big-screen Star Wars, with reports of one project following after another, and if none have come to much so far more Star Wars possibly headed to theaters as soon as late 2023 if what we hear about Taika Waititi's movie pans out.

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