Sunday, June 25, 2023

What Will the Film Market Be Like in 2031?

Looking at Disney's recently revised schedule of releases I could not help but notice that Disney has Marvel Cinematic Universe films planned all the way through 2027--and Avatar films all the way through 2031.

I generally get the impression that business does too little long-range planning, rather than too much. (However much Establishment commentators like to pooh-pooh those who dare speak of short-termism, it really is an issue.) But it seems to me that the world of film in 2023, which looks quite a different thing from what it did in 2019, let alone 2015 (when Hollywood was orienting itself to China, when the possibilities of streaming were supposed to be unbounded, when Disney looked unstoppable and the Marvel Cinematic Universe was imagined to be replicable and the pandemic was just disaster movie stuff), could be very, very different in 2031, so much so that planning specific installments in specific franchises that far down the road is indicative of someone getting ahead of themselves.

What do you think?

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