Saturday, April 20, 2024

'90s Nostalgia: A Personal Note

I remember living through the '90s and finding them appalling--an era of backwardness and stupidity as the worst of the "Greed is good" '80s just went on exploding, and hope of anything better seemed at a historic low point, all as far too many opted for the stupid self-satisfaction of ironic poses in the face of it all. (I have said in the past that the irony at least indicates an acknowledgment of something wrong, as against the sheer obliviousness we have seen since, but it was not the healthiest reaction--and did its part to make things worse.)

But hey, there were The Simpsons, and Seinfeld, and any number of other such pleasures--and like many others I have occasion to remember them and laugh all these years later, a good deal more than I am able to do at what pop culture offers me these days.

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