Friday, April 19, 2024

My SSRN (Social Science Research Network)-Published Papers

I have been publishing through the Social Science Research Network since 2018--or about six years. My papers vary greatly in subject and length, but the total number of them now comes to 170 at last count.

Given the number it seems to me appropriate to do something about organizing them for the reader--and so I have decided to here organize those relevant to this blog's themes by subject, allotting a page of this blog to each of those subjects that I have found myself writing about time and again. Where its subject matter makes this appropriate, I have listed some papers on more than one page, or even under more than one heading.

The links to those subject pages are listed below in alphabetical order.

The 1990s.

Politics and Popular Culture.

Science Fiction.

Social Withdrawal.

Spy and Military Techno-Thriller Fiction.

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