Friday, April 19, 2024

"Not Everything's About You!"

Far be it from me to deny that there are self-absorbed narcissists in the world--and perhaps more of them these days than before.

Yet barring someone's being really, really oblivious to the world around them, being really self-absorbed and narcissistic for very long is something a person is unlikely to manage without having a certain minimum of power--enough so that people do not fling moralizing accusations in their faces, and certainly not the ones who will have seen their self-absorption and narcissism up close, and actually suffered from it.

That is why when we hear the charge it is at least fairly common, and maybe more likely than not, that the self-absorbed narcissist in the conversation is not the one being accused--but the accuser.

"Not everything's about you!" they snarl.

Because you expressing any concern for anything but what I am concerned with is an attempt to diminish from how "Everything's about me! Me! MEEEEEEEE!"

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