Thursday, April 18, 2024

Remembering the Coverage of the O.J. Simpson Trial

The NBC headline regarding O.J. Simpsons' death ran "O.J. Simpson, former NFL star whose trial captivated the country, dies of cancer at 76."

NBC is not alone in reporting the matter as such, the use of the term "captivated" a cliché of the current coverage, to be found in reporting of Mr. Simpson's death by outlets as varied as, besides fellow network news operations like ABC and CBS, the more staid newscast on PBS, newspapers from the Wall Street Journal to USA Today, and of course, entertainment publications such as The Hollywood Reporter.

My recollection of the actual events, which I trust infinitely more than I do NBC, and all those previously named outlets combined, is not of the Simpson trial "captivating" the country, but its being mercilessly inflicted on it by the lowest common denominator, hot button-pushing, tabloid trash-peddling scum of the mainstream media that people quite remote from reality admonish us for not respecting as the sole valid source of information about current events. The public was indeed captive--but not to its supposed fascination with the trial, rather to the priorities of those occupying that media's commanding heights, who contrary to those who may hope that the media have "learned something" since that fracas, have done little but disgrace themselves instead, as a glance at the headlines on our news pages shows--not only because of the manner in which they report the news, but the hard reality that the way they report it has left the world worse off, contributing to the consistently horrifying character of those headlines.

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