Thursday, February 27, 2025

What Makes a Victim "Worthy" in the Eyes of the Media?

In discussing the "worthiness" the media accords the suffering of some victims as against others many point to how far away they are. However, those specific criteria cannot and do not account for everything, with Ed Herman and Noam Chomsky in Manufacturing Consent selecting for comparison purposes two very similar incidents--the murder of a civilian, and indeed specifically a Catholic priest who had become politically active, by forces of state repression. One such case was in Poland, the other in El Salvador--and going by their attempt to quantify the quantity and quality of the coverage the two incidents received Herman and Chomsky determined that a priest killed by state personnel in (Communist) Poland was, as victims go, at least a hundred times as "worthy" as a priest killed by state personnel in (Anti-Communist) El Salvador in the eyes of the media. What made the difference from the standpoint of "Establishment" media was whether or not coverage of the incident supported or called into question the prevailing ideology, and with it served or hindered the maintenance of public support for the prevailing policy. The victim whose suffering's being publicized serves the interests of authority a worthy victim, and vice-versa--in this case, how discussion of that suffering stood in relation to the promulgation of Anti-Communist ideology and the sustenance of support for a Cold War then going into overdrive.

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